Your Successful TalkCampus Launch
Student Awareness
Using a range of different messages to let students know they have TalkCampus available to them and frequently sharing reminders are key to ensuring adoption of TalkCampus across your student body.
We want to make sure that all of your students can access support through our community and that the launch is a great success for your team, so we have made this as easy as possible. The below checklists are recommended guides that your team should follow for launch, and also across each quarter, as well as specific times of the year like orientation, exams or holidays to guarantee success.
TalkCampus Asset Repository
1. Adding TalkCampus to Your Website and Student Intranet
Try and mention TalkCampus on both your wellbeing or student support pages and also on your more general pages; TalkCampus is a great resource for any student so having it as a general resource will capture the broader student population.
There are three main places where you might want to mention TalkCampus, you can see some examples of each below.
(i) A general university/college homepage or student information page
(ii) Your wellbeing/student support page
(iii) Your specific counseling services page
Launch Checklist
Website & Student Portal
Homepage and Wellbeing Pages
Use our TalkCampus banner and link to our student sign-up page. Featuring us on your Wellbeing or Counseling pages is great, but student notice boards or the homepage are even better!
Student Portal
Feature on the student portal. We have a range of graphics and suggested text in the marketing repository.
Student Email
We really recommend sending a College/University-wide email to all students introducing the service, using our recommended pre-drafted email text and a digital banner. We’ve seen Universities increase student engagement by a large percentage when they are able to share a message that directly gets in front of all students. You can also follow up a few months later with a reminder email.
Staff Email
Send an email to all staff introducing the service, including links to our ‘TalkCampus for Staff’ video and ‘What is TalkCampus’ PDF. Staff buy-in is really important, so they need a good understanding of the platform and how to signpost students to it.
Faculty support
Presentation slides
Ask faculty to add one of our ‘TalkCampus Slides’ to the beginning and end of their lecture presentations, both online and in-person. These have QR codes that students can scan as they enter and leave class, or on their screen if they’re logging in online.
Business Cards
Provide faculty and staff with our Business Cards that they can give to students who they believe may need some additional support. These are also great to use at orientation days/events and just hand out to students in certain areas like canteens or student unions.
Email Signature
Ask faculty and staff to add a signature banner to their email signatures, and link it to the sign-up page.
Auto reply
Asking faculty and staff to add a short TalkCampus blurb to their out-of-hours/automatic response message.
Social Media
Regular Social Posts
Our recommendation is four social posts across the first quarter, using either our social media folder or current campaigns folder. Both are sized appropriately for standard social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram. We would suggest the following:
Launch post introducing the service
A follow-up post 2-4 weeks later reminding students
A follow-up post 2-4 weeks later
Post promoting TalkCampus’ self-directed learning modules
On-Campus Promotion
Posters around campus in student-specific areas
Roller banners printed via an external printer to have up in student areas e.g. canteens or student unions or accommodation entrances
Digital screen designs used on digital screens around campus
TalkCampus Video for Students used on digital screens
Business cards left in student-specific areas (library, common rooms, etc)
Student events with TalkCampus ‘Download and Sign Up’ competitions, e.g. ‘Show us you have downloaded and signed up for a chance to win some cool prizes!’
Student involvement
Student ambassador buy-in is so important. If you have mental health first aiders, student champions, RA's or wellbeing champions – they can help! These are the people on the ground spreading the word about campus life. Below are a few ways they can help be a TalkCampus champion for you!
Student union - Send out communications via the student union newsletter or comms and ask them to share on their specific social media channels/other platforms.
Student clubs - Send out communications to student clubs (sports clubs, music clubs, art clubs) and to the lead people of these clubs and ask them to share on their specific social media channels/other platforms.
Wellbeing clubs - Any mental health or wellbeing clubs on campus can be utilised to spread the word.
RA Trainings - Our team can join any refresher trainings that you have to introduce the platform and encourage these student leaders to signpost students to TalkCampus.